The Mermaid Project

(Marta Jovanovic)

Project Description

THE MERMAID PROJECT is inspired by the idea of strength that any woman has inside herself in order to change the world. Jovanovic is there to prove that female mind and body are stronger than any fictional mermaid.

Inspirations, original ideas:
 “Mermaid was inspired by my traumatic childhood experience of almost drowning when living with my family in Israel. After that, in order to help me learn how to swim, my mother promised doll dresses if I take lessons but she never delivered. In the course of my adolescence I eventually learned how to swim but the negative connotation of unfulfilled promises and the deep-seated fear of water never left me. Decades later, I decided to conceive a performance as a way of overcoming these issues.”

“My initial idea was to create an endurance performance and swim across the gulf of Naples in Italy. In working on this concept and taking up training with a swim instructor, several other, larger issues and questions emerged that also reflected on my current situation, my life as an artist, and as a woman in today’s macho world. I thought about: what are we afraid of? Can I do this alone? Do we need assistance, or can we struggle through existential angst alone? Realizing I would at least require someone to monitor and assist me in case I run into trouble on this very long swim, also my ego came into place, I want to do it alone but is it really possible? Issues of my own vulnerability and limitations emerged.



Realizing that, at this point, I needed to ditch this original plan for several reasons, I came up with other ideas to tackle this project. The idea of the mermaid came more into my focus and with it many related questions about beauty and sexuality: The mermaid signifies this mythical attraction, which is in fact really bizarre. She has a tail, no vagina, but she has boobs, beautiful hair, she sings well etc. is that enough already for men to find women sexy? She is a mythical creature just like women have become (and always been) mythical creatures. The result of these inquiries was the first iteration of “Belgrade Mermaid”, which I performed in 2018.

 Belgrade Mermaid Original Proposal 

After I finished the Belgrade Mermaid, I received funding from the Serbian Ministry of Culture to create a performance in 3D and I decided to re-do (and re-invent) the Mermaid, responding to the specifics of VR technology. The work I ended up producing was a Virtual Reality Experience, witnessed by the audience through 3D goggles in an empty gallery.

After I finished the Belgrade Mermaid, I received funding from the Serbian Ministry of Culture to create a performance in 3D and I decided to re-do (and re-invent) the Mermaid, responding to the specifics of VR technology. The work I ended up producing was a Virtual Reality Experience, witnessed by the audience through 3D goggles in an empty gallery.

Curators`s Statement

But the work continues to occupy me and there are more iterations that I have planned but could not execute or that I still plan on doing. For me, the winding road that the Mermaid takes is emblematic of the creative process behind every piece of performance art I do. Not one is or can follow a straight line – not only because I as an artist change and respond to different factors in my environment. But also because – blessing and curse – it is after all often the art market that determines our work through the platforms, means, and funding it provides us with and that we have to respond to and adjust to. Sometimes, as is the case with the Mermaid’s Tale, it turns out for the better, imbuing our work with different aspects, sometimes the economic factors are just limiting. The Mermaid is – and continues to be – very much a work in progress, but then again, is a piece of performance art ever ‘finished’?


Among ideas for and iterations of the Mermaid project are:

LA MAREA - MACRO, Museum of Contemporary Art Rome, curated by Miriam Castelnuovo, Rome, Italy, not executed due to lack of funding.

In a performance piece in which Jovanovic will walk barefoot on a pile of broken mirrors lead by the broken bussola for many hours at the MACRO, Museum of Contemporary Art Rome, the artist will put all her might into finding the right path at the crossroad where she found herself. This crossroad is symbolic for her in the city where she spent almost a decade of her life and that in many ways shaped her as a woman and as an artist. Women in this moment in history face many challenges: migration, survival, domestic violence while they are trying to build future for their children in real but also metaphorical terms as well as reflecting on their own legacy.


THE SCREAM - performance for video, video installation in collaboration with filmmaker Marcella Zanki, in planning venue TBA

Performance for video, conceived in collaboration with and directed by Marcella Zanki, Croatian filmmaker. The Scream is an immersive video installation. The audience will be invited to enter the room and experience almost in person the underwater scream. The 3D video installation with high quality sound will be projected in order to create the state of underwater anxiety that symbolizes the planet Earth (symbolically female) drowning as a consequence of global warming, pollution and other environmental concerns.







1. main image, Belgrade Mermaid," 2018, video Mina Sarenac / costume Olja Markovic
2. video, Marta Jovanovic, "Belgrade Mermaid," 2018, video Mina Sarenac / costume Olja Markovic
3. video, Marta Jovanovic, "Mermaid's Tale", 2019, video Prof. Branko Suric
4. La Marea", 2018, photo Danilo Mataruga
5. image by Manu Martino
StudioMartaJovanovic all rights reserved.