List of past courses


Eco-Performance: Connecting Performance Art and Environmentalism 
with Ayça Ceylan

This course considers performance art as a means to negotiate, react to, or call attention to environmental issues. Through a variety of practical exercises, case studies, and theory, participants will gather tools for creating eco-performance, investigate into the relationship between the body and nature, and consider sustainable archival methods for performance art. 

DATES:  October 7-28, Mondays 6-8PM CET

Fee: EUR 175

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Performance-based Filmmaking 
with VestAndPage

This intensive workshop is dedicated to performance-based filmmaking's conceptual, aesthetic, and practical aspects.

DATES: September 14-October 12, 2024, Saturdays 4-7PM CET

Fee: EUR 175

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Performance Art Archives and Documentation 
with Anja Foerschner

This course introduces students to forms of performance art documentation and archiving. Through key theories and practical examples, it investigates into how ephemeral practice is translated into physical material, its meaning for the discipline and ways of use in artistic and curatorial practice

DATES: November 4-26, 2024, Mondays 6-8PM CET

Fee: EUR 175

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Performing the Memory
with Marta Jovanović

This practice-based course focuses on memory as immediate inspiration and tool for creating performance art. Through discussion of historic and contemporary examples as well as selected readings, participants are guided to employ concepts of personal and collective memory as well as the emotions and discouses embedded in them to expand their artistic practice. 

DATES: March 18-April 8, 2024; Mondays 6-8PM CET

Fee: EUR 175

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The Virtual Self: Performance, Intersectionality and New Media Technologies
with Rah Eleh

This class introduces participants to the performative exploration of the “self” on and through new technologies such as social media, video memoirs, or Augmented Reality. 
In addition to technical experimentation, participants will gain a critical understanding of embedded intersectional or cyberfeminist discourses.

DATES: August 5-26, 2024; Mondays 6-8PM CET

Fee: EUR 175

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Site-specific Performance Art
with Tina Mariane Krogh Madsen

This course offers an introduction to methods of working with site-specific performance art, in natural environments, public space, collaboratively, as well as using online space as a performance site. It will through presentations, discussions, and practical exercises connect theory to practice. 

DATES:  September 2-23, 2024; Mondays 6-8PM CET

Fee: EUR 175

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Rules of the Game: An Introduction to Task-based Performance Art
with Abigail Conway

Through a variety of practical experiments, discussion of case studies and selected readings, this course examines the practice of using task-led activities as a means to conceive and compose performance art. 

DATES:  September 3-24, 2024; Tuesdays 6-8PM CET

Fee: EUR 175

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New Technologies for Performance Art Part 1&2
with Francesca Albrezzi

This workshop offers an introduction to new immersive technologies available to performance artists such as virtual reality, augmented reality and 360 photo and video capture, critically addressing their impact and meaning for the field. Part 1 focuses on an introduction to the Extended Reality (XR) Spectrum and related performance works while Part 2 offers hands-on practical training and project development. 




Identity, Ritual, Resistance: Performing the Body in Southeast Asia
with Natasha Jozi

This course focuses on the exploration of the ‘body’ and performativity in performance art from South and Southeast Asia.  Selected readings, case studies, as well as practical exercises introduce participants to the various meanings of the body as a political tool, site for the (re-)construction of identity, and a place of devotion in body-based performative practices from regions such as Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore, Myanmar, Iran, India, Pakistan, China and Sri Lanka. 



Inhabiting Time
with Marilyn Arsem

At the heart of this workshop is the question of how to continue making live art in a world that is more often pre-recorded, edited and virtual.  What remains essential? What can we give up?  What can we transform?  Working with everyday materials and actions, participants will engage in a series of exercises to examine their experience and understanding of time.  While these exercises were designed for artists creating durational performances, the insights gained in understanding how time operates in one's life can be effectively applied to other practices.




Let's get physical!
An Introduction to Movement-based Performing and Performance Art

with Nicoletta Cappello

This course focuses on the role of physical action and of bodily creativity in performance art. Through a combination of theory, practical exercises and creative tasks, the course introduces students to the philosophical principles, the processual forms, and the techniques needed to work with their own body as the starting point of the process of creating performance art.. 




The Committed Body: Political Performance Art from Latin America
with Rodrigo Arenas-Carter

Using the regions of Latin America as focus point, this course explores performance art as a political tool. Through the study of important artists, case studies, readings, as well as practical exercises, participants will learn about political performative strategies such as protest and the use of public space, satire, cabaret as well as digital possibilities and how to utilize them to express their own, individual political agenda, be it social, cultural, or personal. 




Identity, Ritual, Resistance: Performing the Body in Southeast Asia
with Natasha Jozi

This course focuses on the exploration of the ‘body’ and performativity in performance art from South and Southeast Asia.  Selected readings, case studies, as well as practical exercises introduce participants to the various meanings of the body as a political tool, site for the (re-)construction of identity, and a place of devotion in body-based performative practices from regions such as Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore, Myanmar, Iran, India, Pakistan, China and Sri Lanka. 



with Emily Orley

This course explored writing as and about performance art. It is aimed at practitioners who use writing as part of their work, as well as those who need inspiration when writing about their own, or another artist’s work. Through a series of structured discussions and a number of writing tasks, we will experiment with how to write as/about/alongside performance art: your own or someone else’s. We will explore what might come first: the performance or the text, body or language. We will experiment with form and content.
We will explore relationships between text-based work and other media and discourses. The overarching aim of the course is to inspire students to get writing as part of their own practice in innovative and generative ways.



Performance Art and Feminisms
with Marissa Vigneault

This course addresses the confluence of Feminism and Performance Art. Through the analysis of key works of feminist performance artists, the class approaches the multiple positions of Feminism and analyzes how and why performance art became crucial in the dismantling of standardizations regarding gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity, or class.