
Week 1: Intros and Course Framing

In our first week, we will get to know each other. We will frame the course in relation to immersion, technology, performance, and digital humanities. Finally, we will discuss the concept of virtual world build and provide a tutorial using a mobile software to create a “tiny planet” experience.

  • Personal introductions
  • Syllabus review
  • Cover some core concepts and vocabulary
  • Discuss “performance” and ways technology intersects
  • Consider virtual world building and provide a Tiny Planet tutorial


Week 2: What is XR?

The second week will dive more in depth into the specific technologies that are considered part of the extended reality (XR) spectrum and look at specific works in connection with them. We will address common assumptions around XR and the arts.

  • Introduction to different forms of XR
  • Address assumptions
  • Consider some XR and performance art works


ASSIGNMENT: Participants will select a work(s)/artist working in the field by the following Monday to review and consider in terms of what we have covered thus far. They will be prepared to share on the project and lead a small discussion around the material. (Length of time will be based on number of participants.)


Week 3: Close Reading/Practical Matters              

Our third session will begin with the close readings of specific works selected and shared by participants. XR tools are extremely valuable for communicating context, a sense of space, and a remote liveness or presence, so we will consider these factors in conjunction with our earlier discussions of performance.

In the second part of the class, we will discuss tools and resources that are available for creatives and practitioners.  We will introduce some hands-on learning with tools that can be used for student’s project or research work. The discussion will be tailored to participants questions and input, so that we are learning technology relevant to their interests and goals.

At this point, students should be considering how these tools and techniques factor into their own work or greater interest and be preparing to share their thoughts and reflections during our final session.


Week 4: Final Group Exchange/ Reflections

In our final class together, each student will have approximately 20 minutes to present and discuss a specific project their working on and/or their general practice and how the tools and concepts in the past 4 weeks factor in (10 minutes to present and 10 minutes for a feedback exchange and discussion). We will utilize an adapted form of the the Liz Lerman Critical Response Process to guide our feedback process. Students may also share reflections on the tools they encountered within the class.

  • Present in-process project, project proposal, and/or current practice and approach to technology
  • Tool Critiques